Title: Sawamura Sojuro III
Artist: Katsukawa Shun'ei
Size: 12 1/2" x 9"
Description: A monumental and extremely rare yellow-ground aiban (c 1794) showing the actor Sawamura Sojuro III in the role of Nagoya Sanza in the play Keisei sanbon karakasa performed at the Miyako-za, 7/1794. Shun’ei designed another print of the same actor and role, see the Walter Amstutz collection, Sothebys, 1991, lot 98. Shun’ei – the originator of the ‘Big Head’ – was something of an eccentric and a great lover of the theatre and sumo.
Slightly trimmed at top edge. Unobtrusive centerfold. A few tiny thin spots. Minor marks and flaws. Generally very good condition
Impression fine
Our Price: $5,000.00